62 spaces in this area.


Browse 62+ meeting spaces in Munich

Flexible locations for your offsite meetings, team events and celebrations

Take a look below to find meeting spaces in Munich. Munich has so much to offer, both business and pleasure, making it ideal for meetings and work events. We offer unique and unexpected spots, like boxing rings, alongside stylish and professional rooms with the latest technology, available for an inspiring morning or a productive afternoon. At Spacebase, our booking process is quick, simple, and hassle free.




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Hero Space Instant booking

Invitata Sendlinger Tor

Invitata - LofT

Creative workshop space in Au-Haidhausen


3 - 20


4.9 (20)


Meeting rooms

From € 85 /h

Hero Space Instant booking



Charming Meeting Room in the heart of Haidhausen


1 - 6


5.0 (18)


Meeting rooms

From € 29 /h

Hero Space Instant booking

The Boni

Meeting-Raum am Nockherberg

Calm and modern Meeting-Space at the Nockherberg


1 - 8


4.7 (10)


Meeting rooms

From € 55 /h

Instant booking

Else Together

Tagesbüro in Laim

Meeting room near the deer garden south


1 - 3


4.8 (5)


Meeting rooms

From € 4 /h

Hero Space Instant booking

Inaxxion GmbH

Moderner Meetingraum

Nice meeting room with nice concrete wall


1 - 10


4.9 (7)


Meeting rooms

From € 33 /h

Hero Space Instant booking

Dachwerk Event

Dachwerk Event

Creative space in the popular Glockenbach Quarter


10 - 60


5.0 (5)


Corporate event spaces

From € 145 /h

Organising your event in Munich

Although Munich may sometimes have the air of a sleepy German town, its sights, industry and hospitality are truly world-class. Germany’s second largest city is located in southern Bavaria, not far from the Alpine tip of the country, giving it good transport connections to Austria, Italy and Switzerland.

A hub of art, cuisine and music, Munich has a flourishing cultural heritage which can be easily soaked up strolling among the neo-Gothic churches and breathtaking architecture of the inner-city’s spaces. For example the City Hall in Marienplatz or the beautiful Englisher Garten, not the mention the its world-famous selection of art galleries and museums. But perhaps Munich is most famous for its annual Bavarian beer and German food festival, Oktoberfest. This has given the people of Munich a reputation for respecting their cultural traditions but simultaneously enjoying an eccentric joie de vivre. The very same Bavarian charm can be enjoyed by hiring some of the city’s atmospheric beer halls and authentic cellars.

Yet there is more to Munich than just the cliches of Lederhosen and Brezel. It is home to some of Germany’s most renowned brands such as BMW, Siemens and Allianz. Its large immigrant and student populations also lend the city an exciting flair which contrasts against its elegant historic exterior, all making Munich a unique European city.

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